Sunday 11 March 2012

Colour Throwdown #182

 At some point during the week I happened upon this week's Colour Throwdown challenge, and my mouth watered at the colour combo (and the cute pin cushion pic too)...

We've just moved into Autumn here in the land of Oz, and these pretty colours have a distinctly Autumnal feel to me.

Here is what I have put together...

The tractor punch art was inspired by Lisa at Avatar cooee, and you can see her cute Timmy tractor tutorial here. Thanks you Lisa! If you want to know what I've used, drop me a line (with your email included) and I'll get back to you.

This morning I have joined the latest uStamp with Dawn and Friends - Cards with Cool Moves 2012: does not officially start until March 23rd, but there is a bonus tutorial up already! As I have a little free time on my hands today, I'm gonna go have a play with that right now :-). Hoping some of my blog buddies will come and join uStamp too!!

Have a good one,


KimB said...

Just makes me smile :) Love the heart on the wheel and the little puffs of smoke - you always totally ace punch art Sam!
Kim x

Broni said...

This card is just adorable! Thanks so much for playing along in the Color Throwdown with us this week!

Susi said...

Amazing job on this fun card!